Source Alien Archive pg. 80Necrovite CR 13 XP 25,600 NE Medium undead Init +3; Senses blindsight (life) 60 ft., darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +23
DefenseHP 186; RP 5 EAC 29; KAC 30 Fort +12; Ref +12; Will +18 Defensive Abilities fast healing 10, rejuvenation (1d8 days); Immunities cold, electricity, undead immunities
OffenseSpeed 30 ft., fly 60 ft. (Su, average) Melee Eoxian wrackstaff +20 (6d4+13 B; critical inflict pain [DC 21]) Ranged perihelion laser pistol +22 (4d4+13 F; critical burn 2d4) Offensive Abilities undead mastery Spells Known (CL 13th; ranged +22) 5th (3/day)—heat leech (DC 24), mind thrust (DC 24) 4th (4/day)—corrosive haze (DC 23), dimension door, enervation, hold monster (DC 23) 3rd (at will)—dispel magic, explosive blast (DC 22)StatisticsSTR +0; DEX +3; CON —; INT +8; WIS +4; CHA +6 Skills Bluff +28, Computers +28, Engineering +28, Mysticism +28, Sense Motive +28 Languages Common, Eoxian, Sarcesian; limited telepathy 30 ft. Other Abilities magic hacks (flash teleport, tech countermeasures), unliving Gear d-suit IV (gray force field [20 temporary HP]), Eoxian wrackstaff, perihelion laser pistol with 6 high-capacity batteries (40 charges each), spell gem of dominate person, spell gem of teleportEcologyEnvironment any (Eox) Organization solitarySpecial AbilitiesFatigue Aura (Su) Any creature that comes within 30 feet of a necrovite is fatigued unless it succeeds at a DC 21 Fortitude saving throw. A creature that is already fatigued suffers no additional effect. A creature that successfully saves cannot be affected again by the same necrovite’s aura for 24 hours.
Rejuvenation (Su) When a necrovite is destroyed, its electroencephalon immediately begins to rebuild the creature’s body nearby and download the necrovite’s consciousness into it. After 1d8 days, the necrovite wakens fully healed (albeit without any gear it left behind on its old body).
Undead Mastery (Su) As a standard action, a necrovite can cause one undead creature within 50 feet to fall under its control as per control undead (Will DC 21 negates). This control is permanent for unintelligent undead; an undead creature with an Intelligence score can attempt an additional saving throw each day to break free. A creature that successfully saves cannot be affected again by the necrovite’s undead mastery for 24 hours. A necrovite can control a group of undead whose total CR is no greater than twice its CR (26 for the typical necrovite).DescriptionLong ago, when the native humanoids of Eox—called elebrians—destroyed two neighboring planets, the backlash devastated their own world as well, forcing them to turn to necromancy to survive. The most powerful spellcasters among these survivors combined their advanced technology with the ancient magical traditions of lichdom to achieve immortality in the form of eternal undeath. These were the first necrovites, and along with their colleagues who sought refuge in other forms of undeath, they took control of their ravaged planet to become the first bone sages, Eox’s notoriously aloof heads of state.
Becoming a necrovite is a long and arduous process, but the crux of the ritual involves extracting the spellcaster’s consciousness and soul and imprisoning them in a technomagical relic called an electroencephalon. The spellcaster dies but becomes undead, and as long as her electroencephalon remains intact she can continue her existence without fear of the passage of time.
In addition to constructing an electroencephalon to house her soul, a prospective necrovite must also research and learn the proper ritual to transfer her life force into the receptacle and prepare her body for the transformation into undeath. This ritual is unique to each body and soul—what works for one necrovite will not work for another—and likely has deleterious effects. The exact methods for each spellcaster’s transformation into a necrovite are left to the GM’s discretion, but the process should involve expenditures of hundreds of thousands of credits, multiple dangerous quests, and many difficult skill checks over the course of months, years, or decades.
The above stat block represents an elebrian necrovite—a necrovite formed from one of Eox’s original humanoid inhabitants—but other races can become necrovites as well, using the template graft in the sidebar.ElectroencephalonAn integral step in becoming a necrovite is the creation of the electroencephalon in which the aspirant stores her consciousness and soul. The only way to truly destroy a necrovite is to locate and destroy her electroencephalon; otherwise, the necrovite simply regenerates, awakening fully healed 1d10 days later. Not even disintegrating a necrovite’s corpse or flinging it into a sun can destroy it—so long as the electroencephalon remains unharmed. This is one reason why many necrovites not only keep their electroencephalons hidden but build secret bunkers to house them, stocked with whatever they might need to rebuild and take revenge on their killers.
Each necrovite must craft her own unique electroencephalon, which is a hybrid item with a level equal to the character’s caster level at the time of creation. The character must be a spellcaster and have a caster level of 7th or higher. Creating an electroencephalon otherwise follows the normal rules for crafting equipment (see page 235 of the Starfinder Core Rulebook). The cost to create an electroencephalon varies between individual creators and should be determined by the GM, but it is roughly equivalent to the price of a small arm with an item level equal to the creator’s caster level.Eoxian WrackstavesThe Eoxian wrackstaff is a hybrid weapon that can trace its history back to the time when Eox was a living world with living inhabitants. Used by ancient elebrian leaders to keep their subjects and slaves in line, the Eoxian wrackstaff survives to the modern day as a relic of that past still clung to by those same rulers, who turned to undeath to survive their planets’ demise. Now, most elebrian bone sages wield these weapons as symbols of their undying rule, and their use has spread throughout the Pact Worlds, though people tend not to trust a wielder of one.Extra ContentThe following extra content was found for this creature: - Necrovite (Other) Graft Template