FormianSource Alien Archive pg. 50 Formians resemble giant ants with humanoid upper bodies, and carve their chitinous plates with insignias reflecting their individual names and achievements. Members of a hive all share a telepathic link, allowing them to coordinate efficiently.
Within a hive are castes specialized to particular tasks. The queen leads the hive and is its sole means of propagation, while castes like the aristocratic myrmarchs and mercantile taskmasters direct lower castes like warriors and workers.
Formians are most common on Castrovel. For millennia they sought to eradicate the lashunta, their traditional foes, but their queens now instead focus on adopting other species’ technology to industrialize their traditional hive societies.Aliens in the "Formian" FamilySource Alien Archive pg. 50Formian Warrior CR 3 XP 800 Formian soldier LN Medium monstrous humanoid Init +2 (+6 with hive mind); Senses blindsense (scent) 30 ft., darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +8 (+12 with hive mind)
DefenseHP 39 EAC 17; KAC 20 Fort +5; Ref +3; Will +4 Resistances sonic 10
OffenseSpeed 40 ft. Melee claw +11 (1d6+7 S) or stinger +11 (1d4+7 P plus formian toxin) Ranged azimuth laser rifle +8 (1d8+3 F; critical burn 1d6) Offensive Abilities deadly grasp, fighting styles (guard)StatisticsSTR +4; DEX +2; CON +1; INT +0; WIS -1; CHA +0 Skills Acrobatics +13, Intimidate +8, Stealth +8 Languages Common; limited telepathy 60 ft. Other Abilities armor training, hive mind Gear squad defiance series, azimuth laser rifle with 2 batteries (20 charges each)EcologyEnvironment any land or underground (Castrovel) Organization solitary, pair, patrol (3–12), or band (5–8 plus 3–15 formian workers)Special AbilitiesDeadly Grasp (Ex) When a formian warrior succeeds at a combat maneuver to maintain a grapple, it can make a melee attack with its stinger as a move action.
Hive Mind (Ex) Formians operate from a shared hive intelligence that allows them to communicate nearly instantaneously. While within telepathic range of at least one other formian with this ability, a formian gains a +4 bonus to initiative and Perception checks. If one formian is aware of a combatant, all members of the hive mind within range are aware of it, and a member of the hive mind cannot be surprised unless all members within range are surprised. If one member of the hive mind succeeds at a Will save to disbelieve an illusion effect, all members of that hive mind within telepathic range also disbelieve the effect.Formian Toxin Type poison (injury) Save Fortitude DC 12; Track Dexterity Frequency 1/round for 6 rounds; Cure 1 saveDescriptionFormian workers are the backbone of hive labor and hatched in large clutches-many workers never gain a name beyond their number within the clutch. While strong, they typically flee combat unless ordered to fight. Formian warriors, by contrast, are fierce sterile females, each with a stronger individual identity to allow for more effective battle tactics. This individualism makes warriors more likely to chafe under strict hive hierarchies, and these are the formians most likely to set out on their own.Extra ContentThe following extra content was found for this creature: - Formian Race Entry