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[AP] Against the Aeon Throne

The following ships may contain spoilers for the Against the Aeon Throne Adventure Path - read at your own risk!

Vanguard Parapet - Tier 3

Source Starfinder #8: Escape from the Prison Moon pg. 0
Medium transport
Speed 6; Maneuverability average (turn 2); Drift 1
AC 14; TL 13
HP 70; DT —; CT 14
Shields light shields 60 (forward 5, port 20, starboard 20, aft 15)
Attack (Forward) heavy laser cannon (4d8), high explosive missile launcher (4d8)
Attack (Aft) gyrolaser (1d8)
Attack (Turret) light particle beam (3d6), light aeon torpedo launcher (3d6)
Power Core Arcus Heavy (130 PCU); Drift Engine Signal Basic; Systems advanced short-range sensors, autodestruct system, crew quarters (good), basic computer, biometric locks, mk 1 armor; Expansion Bays brig, cargo holds (4); Modifiers +4 Computers (sensors only), +1 Piloting; Complement 8 (minimum 6, maximum 20)


Captain Computers +8 (3 ranks), Diplomacy +10 (3 ranks), Engineering +8 (3 ranks), gunnery +5, Intimidate +10 (3 ranks)
Engineers (2) Engineering +10 (3 ranks)
Gunners (2) gunnery +7
Pilot Piloting +12 (3 ranks)
Science Officers (2) Computers +10 (3 ranks)


The Vanguard Parapet is a common guard ship for Azlanti Star Empire prisons, minor military bases, and other private institutions. While the vessel is relatively inexpensive to produce based on its sturdy transport frame, it lacks the heavy armor and shields of other larger ships. However, the ship hosts an impressive suite of weapons alongside a sophisticated sensor array. A Vanguard Parapet has a slower engine due to its role as a vessel that patrols a relatively small area. As a result, Vanguard Parapets are usually paired with faster, more maneuverable ships that can chase down fleeing vessels or with planet-side defenses to further capitalize on the Vanguard Parapet’s ability to function as a mobile space turret.

A Vanguard Parapet has a small brig to confine any escaped prisoners and their accomplices, as well as a small armory to hold the equipment necessary for close combat. Most Parapets contain a small shooting range, used regularly by the crew members to keep their skills sharp. The ship’s quarters can house up to a dozen crew members, but usually only eight are on duty flying the ship at any one time, and sometimes fewer if a guard is required in the brig. A Parapet also has ample cargo space, which can be used to store even more armaments or repair materials. Wealthier owners and operators of these vessels often convert the cargo holds into laboratories or sealed environment chambers to transport prisoners or guests of species that have unique environmental needs.