Archives of Nethys

Pathfinder RPG (1st Edition) Starfinder RPG Pathfinder RPG (2nd Edition)

Armor | Shields | Weapons
Artifacts | Augmentations | Creature Companions | Computers | Hybrid Items | Magic Items | Technological Items | Traps
Manufacturers (Augmentations) | Manufacturers (Weapons) | Other Items | Special Materials

| Advanced Melee | Ammunition | Basic Melee | Grenade | Heavy | Longarms | Small Arms | Sniper | Solarian | Special
Critical Hit Effects | Special Properties | Weapon Accessories | Weapon Fusions

Coil Rifle

A coil rifle is a long, slender firearm surrounded by a coil that generates carefully aligned magnetic fields that accelerate a single round with impressive power and accuracy. Precision coil rifles are the most affordable of these weapons, while specialist coil rifles have greater range and efficacy. Rangefinder, saboteur, and assassin coil rifles are especially deadly weapons that are appreciated by true connoisseurs, veteran mercenaries, and experienced firearm specialists.

Projectile Weapons

Projectile weapons fire solid rounds, such as bullets or rockets. While projectile weapons are relatively antiquated, they provide serviceable firepower at a reasonable price to many travelers and traders.

Coil Rifle, Precision

Source Starfinder Armory pg. 43
Level 1; Price 390
Hands 2; Proficiency Sniper
Damage 1d6 P; Range 60 ft.; Critical
Capacity 4 rounds; Usage 1
Bulk 2; Special sniper (250 ft.)

Coil Rifle, Specialist

Source Starfinder Armory pg. 43
Level 5; Price 3,120
Hands 2; Proficiency Sniper
Damage 2d6 P; Range 70 ft.; Critical Bleed 1d6
Capacity 6 rounds; Usage 1
Bulk 2; Special sniper (250 ft.)

Coil Rifle, Rangefinder

Source Starfinder Armory pg. 43
Level 10; Price 18,600
Hands 2; Proficiency Sniper
Damage 3d6 P; Range 70 ft.; Critical Bleed 2d6
Capacity 8 rounds; Usage 1
Bulk 2; Special sniper (500 ft.)

Coil Rifle, Saboteur

Source Starfinder Armory pg. 43
Level 14; Price 76,700
Hands 2; Proficiency Sniper
Damage 7d6 P; Range 80 ft.; Critical Bleed 3d6
Capacity 12 rounds; Usage 1
Bulk 2; Special sniper (750 ft.)

Coil Rifle, Assassin

Source Starfinder Armory pg. 43
Level 19; Price 590,000
Hands 2; Proficiency Sniper
Damage 12d6 P; Range 90 ft.; Critical Bleed 4d6
Capacity 16 rounds; Usage 1
Bulk 2; Special sniper (750 ft.)