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Creature Companions

The solitude of space can prove tough to bear for even the most hardened soloist. It’s no wonder, then, that across the entire galaxy, members of countless species take up creature companions ranging from show pets to emotional support animals to combat-ready mounts. Whether such a pairing is born of cultural tradition, lucky happenstance, or even reluctant necessity, few bonds are stronger.
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Ebrilares Companions

Source Starfinder Enhanced pg. 133
Ebrilares are curious mammalian predators with large, expressive eyes and soft fur that utilize echolocation to hunt. They have exceptionally large ears that move independently of one another, better enabling them to capture and pinpoint sounds. Typically, an ebrilare releases a steady, slow-paced pulse of ultrasonic noise from deep in their throat. This enables them to “see” long distances with their echolocation, at the expense of accuracy. When a choice bit of prey catches their interest—or when a larger predator catches sight of them in turn—an ebrilare increases the frequency of these pulses, shortening the distance they can hear but increasing the detail and accuracy. This pulsing causes their throat to vibrate consistently, which emits a gentle thrum, like that of a purring cat.
Ebrilares are commonly found living in wide-open regions with tall grasses and few trees, such as plains, prairies, parklands, meadows, and savannahs. They’re adaptable, and are found on planets with varying gravity, atmospheric compositions, and climates. While not domesticated, ebrilares also thrive in urban areas. Although they’re excellent hunters, ebrilares in settlements have found it much simpler to appeal to humanoids for sustenance, rather than tracking down and hunting their own prey.

EbrilaresLevels 1-10

Tiny animal
Senses blindsense (sound) 120 ft., low-light vision
Good Save Reflex; Bad Saves Fort, Will
Speed 30 ft., burrow 10 ft.
Melee Attack bite (P) or claw (B)
Space 2 1/2 ft. Reach 0 ft.
Ability Modifiers Dex, Cha

Special Abilities

Endearing Gaze (Su) As a standard action, an ebrilare can pose, widen its eyes, wag its fluffy tail, and adopt a demeanor that’s irresistibly adorable. Creatures within 30 feet that can see it must succeed at a Will saving throw (DC = 10 + 1-1/2 × the ebrilare’s level) or feel compelled to care for the ebrilare, taking a –2 penalty to attack and damage rolls against it for 1 minute. A creature that succeeds at its save is immune to the effects of endearing gaze for 24 hours. This is a mind-affecting emotion effect.
Sharpen Senses (Ex) An ebrilare can concentrate its attention by carefully pivoting its ears. As a swift action, an ebrilare can increase the rate of its ultrasonic pulses. This increases the accuracy of its echolocation but decreases the distance at which it can use this sense. Until the beginning of its next turn, the range of the ebrilare’s blindsense becomes 30 ft. As a part of using the sharpen senses action, the ebrilare can attempt a Perception check to notice or search.