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Creature Companions

The solitude of space can prove tough to bear for even the most hardened soloist. It’s no wonder, then, that across the entire galaxy, members of countless species take up creature companions ranging from show pets to emotional support animals to combat-ready mounts. Whether such a pairing is born of cultural tradition, lucky happenstance, or even reluctant necessity, few bonds are stronger.
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Empathnid Companions

Source Alien Archive 3 pg. 143
Originally discovered by Pact Worlds explorers on a jungle planet in the Vast, empathnids are available in a staggering array of colors and have become popular pets. The 8-inch spiders are most notable for their almost supernatural empathy for other creatures, and their venom has a stabilizing effect on most creatures.

EmpathnidLevels 1-10

Diminutive vermin
Senses blindsense (emotion) 60 ft., darkvision 60 ft.
Good Save Will; Bad Saves Fort, Reflex
Speed 40 ft., climb 40 ft.
Melee Attack bite (P)
Space 1 ft. Reach 0 ft.
Ability Modifiers Dex, Wis

Special Abilities

Moral Support (Ex) While your empathnid companion is sharing your space, you gain a +2 morale bonus to saving throws against emotion and pain effects.

Stabilizing Venom (Ex, 4th level) Once per day as a standard action, an empathnid can inject its venom into a dying creature in its space, automatically stabilizing that creature. If you are dying, your empathnid companion can use actions as though you were consciously directing it, but only to attempt to stabilize you.