Archives of Nethys

Pathfinder RPG (1st Edition) Starfinder RPG Pathfinder RPG (2nd Edition)

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Chapter 2: Starship Combat / Armada Combat

Building An Armada

Source Starship Operations Manual pg. 58
Each armada is created using the same process. An armada’s tier typically matches the PCs’ average party level, and the armada gains a number of Build Points (BP) based on its tier, with which it acquires fleets and special abilities for those fleets. Each fleet costs a number of BP based on its tier, size, and special abilities, all of which contribute to the fleet’s power level. Except at the GM’s discretion, the maximum tier of any fleet in an armada is the armada’s tier + 1. Appoint one of these fleets as the armada’s flagship (page 60), which provides the armada additional benefits.

Table 2–14: Armada Build Points

1 36 11 264
2 48 12 288
3 72 13 312
4 96 14 336
5 120 15 360
6 144 16 384
7 168 17 408
8 192 18 432
9 216 19 456
10 240 20 480