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Charter Development / Events

Event Descriptions

Source Starfinder #40: Planetfall pg. 48
When an event occurs, find its description below. Some events ask you to compare one or more of your charter’s traits to a Threshold Number (TN). TN is equal to charter size / 5, rounded up. If the indicated trait is under the TN, your charter is adversely affected, but if the result is equal to or higher than the TN, the outcome is positive instead. Other events depend on specific advanced projects your charter might have undertaken. Many events can result in your charter gaining a temporary bonus to one or more traits; this bonus only lasts for the turns indicated and ends after the Event phase. Some events grant rerolls; these rerolls always stack. Some events introduce a recurring problem that plagues the charter; such events don’t affect the chance of future events occurring, and the TN is always calculated based on the charter’s current size, not the size it was when the event was rolled.

Celestial Phenomenon: An object or event from space— such as a rogue meteor or an especially large solar flare— poses a danger to the charter. If Magic and Technology traits are both less than the TN, increase Unrest by 1d4 and lose Resource Units equal to the TN; if only one trait is less than the TN, increase Unrest by 1 and lose Resource Units equal to half the TN. If both traits are equal to or greater than the TN, increase Magic and Technology by 1 for the next charter turn.

Crime Wave: A group of dangerous criminals places a stranglehold on the charter’s citizens, or a lone killer begins a reign of terror. If the charter doesn’t have the law enforcement agency project, increase Unrest by 1 each Upkeep phase until that project has been completed. If the charter already has the law enforcement agency project, increase Accord and Culture by 1 for the next charter turn.

Cult Activity: A mysterious group has laid down roots in the charter’s settlements, leading citizens down a perilous path. If Magic is less than the TN, increase Unrest by 1 every Upkeep phase until Magic is equal to or higher than the TN. If Magic is equal to or greater than the TN, increase Magic by 2 for the next charter turn.

Dangerous Fad: A new addictive vidgame, social media app, or other popular phenomenon reduces the charter’s productivity. If Culture and Technology are both less than the TN, reduce Resource Units gained each turn by an amount equal to the TN; this effect lasts 1d6 turns. If only one trait is less than the TN, Resource Units are reduced only during only the next Upkeep phase. If both traits are equal to or greater than the TN, increase Technology by 2 for the next charter turn.

Diplomatic Incident: An unfortunate error causes tension between the charter and another political entity. If Culture and Magic are both less than the TN, increase Unrest by 1d8, and your charter can’t choose the trade deal project for 1d4 charter turns; if only one trait is less than the TN, you can’t choose the trade deal project for the next charter turn. If both traits are equal to or greater than the TN, the charter gets an apology and gifts from the other political entity; your charter gains Resource Units equal to your Accord.

Economic Depression: Due to poor investments or a downturn in the galactic market, the charter is on the verge of economic troubles. If Economy is less than the TN, reduce Resource Units gained each turn by an amount equal to the TN; this effect lasts 1d8 turns. If Economy is equal to or greater than the TN, you can reroll one Settlement die next turn.

Espionage: A spy within the charter leaks your secrets to a rival. If your charter’s Accord is less than the TN, reduce one of the charter’s traits (chosen randomly from Culture, Economy, Magic, and Technology) by 3 for the next 1d4 Charter turns. If the charter’s Accord is equal to or greater than the TN, increase one of the charter’s traits (chosen randomly from Culture, Economy, Magic, and Technology) by 2 for the next charter turn.

Local Disaster: A building fire, terrible vehicle accident, or other small-scale disaster affects the citizens of one of the charter’s settlements. If Accord and Technology are both less than the TN, increase Unrest by 1d10; if only one trait is less than the TN, increase Unrest by 1d4 instead. If both traits are equal to or greater than the TN, reduce Unrest by 1d4.

Mass Exodus: Many of the charter’s citizens depart for other opportunities, possibly lured away by a political entity on the same planet. If Accord and Culture are both less than the TN, reduce Resource Units gained each turn by an amount equal to the TN; this effect lasts 1d8 turns. If only one trait is less than the TN, the Resource Unit reduction is only half the TN. If both traits are equal to or greater than the TN, reduce Unrest by 1d4.

Mystical Plague: A magic disease or curse infects the charter’s citizens. If half or more of the charter’s settlements have the hospital project and the charter’s Magic trait is equal to or greater than the TN, reduce Unrest by 1d4. If these two conditions aren’t met, increase Unrest by 1 every Upkeep phase until both conditions are met.

Natural Calamity: A flood, earthquake, or other natural disaster strikes a large portion of the charter. If Technology is less than the TN, increase Unrest by 1d8. If Technology is equal to or greater than the TN, decrease Unrest by 1d4.

Political Corruption: One or more officials in the charter’s government are suspected of corrupt activities. If Culture and Economy are both less than the TN, increase Unrest by 1d8; if only one trait is less than the TN, increase Unrest by 1d4 instead. If both traits are equal to or greater than the TN, reduce Unrest by 1d4.

Pollution Problem: The waste produced by the charter’s industries threaten to get out of control. If the charter doesn’t have the waste disposal project, increase Unrest by 1 every Upkeep phase until that project has been completed. If the charter already has the waste disposal project, increase Economy by 2 for the next charter turn.

Population Surge: An influx of immigrants eager to become citizens arrives on the planet. If Accord and Economy are both less than the TN, increase Unrest by 1d4. If both traits are equal to or greater than the TN, increase Culture and Economy by 1 for the next charter turn.

Public Scandal: An important figure in the charter is the center of terrible rumors about their personal life. If Accord and Magic are both less than the TN, increase Unrest by 1d8; if only one trait is less than the TN, increase Unrest by 1d4 instead. If both traits are equal to or greater than the TN, reduce Unrest by 1d4.

Resource Scarcity: A particular resource the charter relies on becomes difficult to acquire. If fewer than half of the charter’s resource nodes haven’t been upgraded to upgraded resource nodes, increase the cost of all advanced projects by an amount equal to the number of non-upgraded resource nodes; this effect lasts for 1d6 turns. If half or more of the charter’s resources nodes have already been upgraded, you can reroll one Settlement die next turn.

Scientific Breakthrough: Researchers make an important discovery, but now the charter must capitalize on it. If the charter has completed a Research Institute project, you can reroll one Settlement die next turn. Otherwise, reduce Economy and Technology by 2 for the next 1d4 turns.

Strange Weather: Unusual weather conditions—such as unseasonal snowstorms, increased ball lightning activity, or winds that causes psychic headaches—run through the charter. If Economy and Magic are both less than the TN, reduce Resource Units gained each turn by the TN; this effect lasts 1d8 turns. If only one trait is less than the TN, the Resource Unit reduction is only half the TN. If both traits are equal to or greater than the TN, reduce Unrest by 1d4.

Visiting Celebrity: A famous individual or group visits your charter. If Culture is less than the TN, increase Unrest by 1d4. If Culture is equal to or greater than the TN, the celebrity offers the charter a boon; gain Resource Units equal to Culture.

Wildlife Attack: Beasts from a nearby wilderness—perhaps displaced by encroaching civilization—attack one of the charter’s settlements. Choose a settlement at random. If that settlement doesn’t have the defenses project, increase Unrest by 1d6+1. If the settlement does have the defenses project, increase Accord by 2 for the next charter turn.