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All Rules | Downtime Rules

Charter Development / Running A Charter

Upkeep Phase

Source Starfinder #40: Planetfall pg. 43
During the Upkeep phase, you gather resources, pay upkeep, resolve charter downtime activities, and adjust Unrest.

Step 1: Resource Collection

Source Starfinder #40: Planetfall pg. 43
Determine how many Resource Units you have this turn by rolling your Settlement Die (or Dice, if you have more than one settlement) and any Resource Dice you’ve gained, then including any bonuses or penalties. If you had any unspent Resource Units from last turn, add those to your Resource Units for this turn.

Step 2: Charter Downtime Activities

Source Starfinder #40: Planetfall pg. 43
PCs who have taken charter downtime activities during the month—such as Perform Administrative Duties—resolve those activities at this time. Doing so might require spending Resource Units; see page 44 for a list of these activities.

Step 3: Pay Upkeep

Source Starfinder #40: Planetfall pg. 44
Your settlements require supplies and funding, a number of Resource Units equal to your charter’s size; spend this amount of Resource Units now to prevent Unrest. If you can’t—or choose not to—spend these Resource Units, increase Unrest by 1d4.
Special: Skip this step on the first charter turn.

Step 4: Adjust Unrest

Source Starfinder #40: Planetfall pg. 44
Your charter begins the first charter turn with an Unrest score of 0. If downtime activities or events have increased or decreased Unrest, make those adjustments now.

If your charter’s Unrest is 10 or higher after making these adjustments, there’s a 50% chance your charter loses one of the hexes you’ve claimed. The PCs choose which hex is lost. See Using the Map on page 43 for more information.

If your charter’s Unrest is 20 or higher after making these adjustments, the charter falls into anarchy. While in anarchy, you skip the Choose Projects step and each of your charter trait scores are treated as 1 lower for the purpose of resolving events.