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Pathfinder RPG (1st Edition) Starfinder RPG Pathfinder RPG (2nd Edition)

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Modules, Upgrades, and Countermeasures


Computers can have any number of modules installed. Modules can be partitioned off from other parts of a computer if placed behind firewall countermeasures, which increases their security. A computer can have multiple modules of the same type, but the bonuses they grant to a system generally do not stack with themselves. For example, a system could have three copies of the security I module (which each grant a +1 bonus to the DC), but they do not stack to increase the DC to break into the computer.

Note that modules are a combination of both hardware and software, and as such they typically cannot be physically removed without damaging the system or rendering it inoperable. With the right amount of skill and time, a module can be disabled or manipulated, but this typically cannot be done during combat. See the Computers skill on page 137 for more information.


These modules improve the overall effectiveness, security, and utility of a computer system. A computer system can have any number of these modules, but their effects generally do not stack. For a better effect, a more expensive module must be purchased and installed on the computer.


Countermeasures form a computer system’s last defense against hackers trying to compromise it. Countermeasures are specifically designed to activate when an unauthorized user attempts unsuccessfully to access the system, usually by entering an incorrect password or by failing to bypass other security precautions. Some activate the moment a user tries to get into the system and deactivate only once the correct password has been entered. In either case, a computer can have a number of countermeasures equal to its tier.


Spell Chip110% of component spell gem
Control, Complex10% of controlled device
Rakmodoi Computers, Skill10% of computer’s base price
Secure Data, Average10 credits
Secure Data, LargeVaries
Secure Data, Specific1 credit


Artificial Personality10% of computer's base price
Hardened50% of computer's base price
Miniaturization10% of computer's base price
Self-Charging10% of computer's base price
Telepathic User Interface10% of computer's base price
Rakmodoi Computers, Arms500
Rakmodoi Computers, Mobility Unit, Claws100 x computer’s bulk
Rakmodoi Computers, Mobility Unit, Legs100 x computer’s bulk
Rakmodoi Computers, Mobility Unit, Tail100 x computer’s bulk
Rakmodoi Computers, Mystic Comm4000
Range, I (100 feet)5 credits
Range, II (1 mile)50 credits
Range, III (planetwide)100 credits


Alarm10 credits
Fake Shell50% of computer's base price + 10% of price of control and data modules
Feedback500 credits
Firewall20% of computer's base price
Lockout100 credits
Shock GridVaries
Wipe10 credits