Archives of Nethys

Pathfinder RPG (1st Edition) Starfinder RPG Pathfinder RPG (2nd Edition)

Armor | Shields | Weapons
Artifacts | Augmentations | Creature Companions | Computers | Hybrid Items | Magic Items | Technological Items | Traps
Manufacturers (Augmentations) | Manufacturers (Weapons) | Other Items | Special Materials

| Advanced Melee | Ammunition | Basic Melee | Grenade | Heavy | Longarms | Small Arms | Sniper | Solarian | Special
Critical Hit Effects | Special Properties | Weapon Accessories | Weapon Fusions


A battletune comes in a variety of sizes and shapes, as it mimics the variety of musical instruments found across countless cultures throughout the galaxy. This instrument, however, is sturdy enough to be used as a bludgeoning weapon in combat without activating the battery. When powered, its sonic vibrations instead harm the eardrums of enemies (though this weapon always targets KAC).

Sonic Weapons

Sonic weapons emit sonar waves at frequencies that are designed to injure or incapacitate enemies. Many of them are termed “low-frequency devices” (LFDs) and “high-frequency devices” (HFDs) based on the frequencies at which they operate and damage foes.

Battletune, Alto

Source Starfinder #46: The Perfect Storm pg. 44
Level 8; Price 9,200
Hands 2; Proficiency Basic Melee
Damage 2d4 B|So; Critical deafen
Bulk 1; Special instrumental, modal (sonic), powered (capacity 40, usage 2)

Battletune, Sopranino

Source Starfinder #46: The Perfect Storm pg. 44
Level 1; Price 250
Hands 2; Proficiency Basic Melee
Damage 1d4 B|So; Critical
Bulk 1; Special instrumental, modal (sonic), powered (capacity 20, usage 1)

Battletune, Soprano

Source Starfinder #46: The Perfect Storm pg. 44
Level 4; Price 2,000
Hands 2; Proficiency Basic Melee
Damage 1d6 B|So; Critical deafen
Bulk 1; Special instrumental, modal (sonic), powered (capacity 20, usage 1)

Battletune, Tenor

Source Starfinder #46: The Perfect Storm pg. 44
Level 12; Price 34,600
Hands 2; Proficiency Basic Melee
Damage 2d8 B|So; Critical deafen
Bulk 1; Special instrumental, modal (sonic), powered (capacity 80, usage 4)