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Template Grafts | Universal Monster Rules

Wysp Grafts

Water Wysp

Source Starfinder #15: Sun Divers pg. 61
Water wysps are serene, gentle, and nurturing creatures. They enjoy making new friends and introducing their friends to one another.
Required Creature Type: Outsider (elemental).
Traits: Water subtype, swim speed of 90 feet; Abilities: Drench (see below).
Languages: Aquan.
Abilities: Drench (Ex): A water wysp’s touch douses Large or smaller nonmagical flames. It can dispel magical fire it touches as per dispel magic (caster level = the wysp’s CR).

Air Wysp

Source Starfinder #15: Sun Divers pg. 61
Air wysps are flighty, cheerful, and at times forgetful. They enjoy playing pranks, telling jokes, and making puns.
Required Creature Type: Outsider (elemental).
Traits: Air subtype, supernatural fly speed of 100 feet (perfect).
Languages: Auran.

Earth Wysp

Source Starfinder #15: Sun Divers pg. 61
Earth wysps are emotionally guarded and slow to trust, but they are dependable allies. They enjoy deep and thorough conversations that examine all sides of an issue.
Required Creature Type: Outsider (elemental).
Traits: Earth subtype, blindsense (vibration) 60 feet, burrow speed of 20 feet, Abilities: Earth glide.
Languages: Terran.

Fire Wysp

Source Starfinder #15: Sun Divers pg. 61
Fire wysps are brave to the point of being foolhardy, often vastly overestimating their own abilities. They enjoy telling exaggerated stories about their victories and often take credit for the victories of their allies.
Required Creature Type: Outsider (elemental).
Traits: Fire subtype, +4 bonus to initiative, speed increases to 60 feet, supernatural fly speed of 20 feet (clumsy), immunity to fire, vulnerability to cold, Abilities: Searing strikes (see below).
Languages: Ignan.
Abilities: Searing Strikes (Ex): A fire wysp’s tendril deals half fire damage and half bludgeoning damage. A fire wysp conductor’s elemental burst deals fire damage instead of bludgeoning damage. On a critical hit, any attacks made by a fire wysp or fire wysp conductor deal an amount of burn damage based on the creature’s CR, as listed in the table below.
CRBurn Damage